
Company Announcements

Introducing Relics: The New Way to Store and Retrieve Model Data

Feb 17, 2023

3 min read

As our users continue to train larger and larger models, we understand the importance of providing a performant solution for storing and retrieving model data. That's why we're excited to announce the release of Relics, a new service that sits on top of AWS S3, GCP Cloud Buckets, and Azure Blob Storage. We support rendering of text files, csv, and images right in your dashboard so you can view these files without having to download them or open them in an external program.

With Relics, organizations can now enjoy a single point of access to all their data, providing a unified backend for Jobs, Deploy, and Monitoring. But that's not all; Relics also ensures the security of your data by providing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and access logs for auditing.

At NimbleBox, we understand the importance of data privacy, which is why we can't see your data – we only keep track of meta-like paths, size, and access logs.

Investing in Relics is the smart choice for organizations that want to ensure the security and privacy of their data without the hassle of managing access through different platforms. With a single client for all clouds and RBAC for all files, you can be confident that your data is safe and secure.

Experience the peace of mind that comes with Relics and try it today. Store and retrieve your model data with ease.

We hope you enjoy these improvements and always welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from NimbleBox.ai 🤗

Written By

Chandrani Halder

Head of Product & Security

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