

Dealing with Biases and Fairness in LLMs

Oct 6, 2023

5 min read

Over the generations of AI and Machine Learning, Biases and Fairness have been deemed a bunch of other terms, be it overfitting/underfitting or bias/variance; this particular set of behavior from Machine Learning Models is the one that scares enterprises, organizations, and humans alike from adopting these solutions.

Such preference or prejudice to a certain kind of category may be fine for your entry-level Github Project. Still, in the context of Large Language Models, models trained on billions of parameters, this behavior must be handled with care and concern.

In this blog, we will focus on Biases and Fairness in LLMs and how one can mitigate and minimize this unwanted behavior.

Understanding Biases and Fairness in LLMs

Machine learning models should avoid demonstrating inequitable or discriminatory behavior, as seen in their biased predictions or discriminating choices. This arises when models unjustly show preference or bias against specific groups or categories, leading to unequal treatment and divergent results.

In the context of LLMs, such behaviors are way more prominent simply because these models are often and predominantly used to empower Chatbots and human-faced applications. They can become a substantial ethical liability for your business if it continues to be biased toward certain groups or conversations.

Let us examine how your LLM may be biased in its conversations and deployment.

  • Stereotypical Bias: Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to generate text that upholds prevailing stereotypes regarding specific communities, thereby sustaining societal prejudices.

  • Gender Bias: Bias related to gender can result in an imbalanced portrayal and differential treatment of genders within the text produced.

  • Cultural Bias: Prejudice originating from cultural presumptions can lead to misinterpretations or inaccurate depictions of diverse cultural settings.

  • Political Bias: Large Language Models (LLMs) may display a tendency to show partiality toward specific political beliefs, impacting the impartiality of how information is conveyed.

All these Biases can lead to unwanted behavior by your Large Language Models, which can harm the model’s performance and reputation.

Strategies for Mitigating Biases and Promoting Fairness in LLMs

Now that we have taken a closer look at why exactly one should strive towards a fairer LLM, let us look at some of the steps you can take to ensure minimum bias in the behavior of the LLM. Mostly centric on the model’s training, these methods are designed and tested to ensure the best results and require a subject matter expert to diagnose on a deeper scale.

Diverse Training Datasets

Diverse datasets play a significant role in making large language models more fair and inclusive. A homogenous dataset can produce biased results reinforcing existing social imbalances and prejudices. On the other hand, a diverse dataset with representations from different demographics, cultures, ages, genders, etc., can provide a broader understanding of the world around us. It can also assist in identifying and addressing biases within the model and offer better generalization abilities.

Professionals may leverage various strategies like cross-validation techniques to compile a varied dataset for large language models, allowing exposure to numerous samples relevantly sourced from dissimilar domains while adhering strictly to relevant inclusion criteria.

Regular Auditing and Monitoring

Regular auditing and monitoring ensure that large language models (LLMs) function somewhat and responsibly regarding several factors. The previous research suggested auditing as a governing mechanism to ensure AI systems are created and utilized morally, responsibly, and legally.

For enhancing equity and responsibility in developing and deploying giant language versions, here are some elements of advice from the proposed framework for examining LLMs:

  • Three-Layer Structure Approach: To prevent inequities brought on by ill-technology, bad actors, or erroneous assumptions, a threefold strategy for auditing big language models is required.

  • Transparency, Accountability, and Continuous Improvement: Examination standards and methods must emphasize clarity, duty, and advancement. Opportunities for feedback and revisions must exist, along with conformity checks for prevalent requirements applicable to the industry.

Algorithmic Transparency

Algorithmic Transparency is something we greatly advocate here at NimbleBox.ai with our very own Chatbot running on Open-Sourced LLaMA models called ChatNBX. Head over to the link to check our latest selection of models, such as synthia-v1.2b-70b-4k and mythalion-13b-fp16.

Algorithmic transparency refers to the degree to which the inner workings of an artificial intelligence (AI) system are visible and understandable to humans. In the case of large language models, transparency can help identify and rectify biases in the decision-making processes of the models. Here are some ways algorithmic openness can contribute to fairness in large language models:

  • Identifying biases: Transparency allows stakeholders to examine the underlying algorithms and data used by the model, helping to identify tendencies and areas where the model may be unfairly discriminating.

  • Explainability: Transparent models can provide explanations for their decisions, which helps stakeholders understand why the model arrived at a particular outcome. This can increase trust in the model and reduce the likelihood of incorrect or unfair decisions.

  • Accountability: Developers and users of large language models can be held accountable for any biases or flaws in the model if they are transparent about their methods and data. This accountability encourages developers to take steps to mitigate any identified biases.


In conclusion, developing and deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) in healthcare and medicine can revolutionize various aspects of medical practice, from diagnosis to treatment planning. However, ensuring these technologies are developed and implemented ethically and responsibly is crucial. The potential benefits of LLMs must be balanced against their limitations and risks, including bias, accuracy, privacy, and security issues.

To achieve this balance, stakeholders across the healthcare landscape - including policymakers, clinicians, researchers, and patients - must work together to establish rigorous guidelines for developing, evaluating, and deploying LLMs. These guidelines should prioritize transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement and involve diverse perspectives and expertise. By taking a thoughtful and multi-disciplinary approach to the development and implementation of LLMs, we can harness the power of these technologies to improve patient outcomes, advance medical knowledge, and enhance the quality of healthcare delivery.

Written By

Aryan Kargwal

Data Evangelist

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