
Company Announcements

NimbleBox.ai + Bitbucket Integration

Nov 1, 2022

5 min read

NimbleBox now comes equipped with a new feature integration: BitBucket. BitBucket is the industry's best cloud-based service for sharing and tracking code. We have been significant supporters of Git and encourage you to use it too!

In this blog post, we will be breaking down why you'll love sharing your code with a hosted Git service like BitBucket, how easy it is to set up on our platform, and how many other benefits there are around your digital life when using a Bit-Bucket backed Git architecture for code version control.

Before diving into that, let us first look at the importance and need for version control in your Machine Learning Pipeline.

What is Version Control?

Version Control can be considered a massive album of different versions, edits, and omissions, from which older or stabler versions of code or architectures can be pulled in case of deployment rollbacks, new code innovation, and new plugin merges.

Version Control has one more important feature when it goes online, Collaboration. Collaboration among developers, teams, and open-sourced communities opens the gateway for endless exciting additions to existing code. In addition, it promotes excellent safety and efficient code exchange and its versions among the group with features like branching and merging.

Among all version control systems, the one that stands tall and high is Git. Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system for small to substantial projects with speed and efficiency, which serves as the backbone for more prominent websites like GitHub and GitLab.

How to set up BitBucket integration with NimbleBox?

1. Go to the Integrations section from your workspace’s side menu. The 'discover' tab on the integrations page shows a list of available integrations.

2. From the Bitbucket card, click the "Connect" button and enter the connection name (give a name that will help you and fellow members to identify the connection)

3. You can choose to enable or disable the private connection. The private connection can only be accessed by you, the owner, and the admin. Disabling the private connection makes it visible to everyone in the workspace and allows them to clone from the repositories.

4. Finally, log into your Bitbucket bucket account to connect.

It's that simple! Now you can migrate your code and data from Bitbucket to NimbleBox.

Cloning your NimbleBox projects from BitBucket

1. Once you have connected to your Bitbucket account, you can bring your code in no time to NimbleBox.

2. Select '+ New project' from your NimbleBox workspace build.

3. Give your project a meaningful name. To increase storage, simply slide the storage bar.

4. Select the ‘Clone from Git Repo button’ and then click Continue.

5. Choose Bit Bucket as your git provider. (NimbleBox lets you clone both private and public repositories)

6. Select ‘Bit Bucket’ from the git provider.

7. To clone a public repository, choose the ‘use public URL’ option. Enter the repository URL and click ‘Verify’ to ensure the URL is correct.

8. If you would like to clone a private repository, select the integration name, organization, repository, and branch.

Lastly, click the 'Create project' button. Voila! You have now successfully cloned your project on NimbleBox using BitBucket.

What is the difference between BitBucket and Git?

BitBucket has various advantages over traditional GitHub integrations, which may make you consider using it as your go-to for version control. Some of the benefits it offers are:

  • First, it provides support for version control systems like Git.

  • It offers multiple intuitive visualisations to analyze the status of a repository contrary to GitHub’s commit history.

  • It comes with an inbuilt semantic search module, making navigation between classes and builds for more accessible and efficient working.

BitBucket, with these advantages it has over traditional Git, sure has the potential to take over as your go-to for Version Control.

Why should you use BitBucket integration?

The following are some of Bitbucket's features:

  • Permits an unlimited number of private repositories.

  • View of the history with branch comparison.

  • Explicitly manages branch permissions and permits the developer to restrict branch access.

  • Git Large File Storage (LFS) support to reduce clone time.

  • Provides API functionality for third-party integrations with Trello.

The multiple features that add to the already efficient BitBucket make productivity even more efficient for faster development and releases.


Now that you have read about this new integration, how about signing up for NimbleBox and testing this feature firsthand? 🤔

We are glad to introduce this integration within our platform and hope this opens new levels of collaboration and great stuff to be developed. In addition, the multiple advantages over the traditional version control methods should bump up your release cycles with even better feedback loops.

Written By

Aryan Kargwal

Data Evangelist

Copyright © 2023 NimbleBox, Inc.